venerdì 7 gennaio 2011

The time for secrets

Ed ora, The time for secrets by Albina Designs
And now, The time of secrets by Albina Designs

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DST Gallery Standouts: thank you Lucienne!!!

In the height of winter

Ecco In the height of winter by Thaliris Designs
Here is In the height of winter by Thaliris Designs

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Credits: Snow flake
DST Gallery Standouts: thank you Magda_lena and dida1357!!

Drifting Snow Dreams Kit With Everything In It

Ecco un kit di Lorie Davison un po' datato, ma splendido come sempre. E' Drifting Snow Dreams With Everything in It.
Here is an old kit by Lorie Davison, stunning as usual. It's Drifting Snow Dreams With Everything in It.

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DST Gallery Standouts: thank you Lucienne and zojinka!!!
DST Gallery Standouts: thank you strawberry24!!!